Choosing the right orthodontic option to correct your teeth is an important decision. When your teeth do not require severe correction, patients may opt for treatments other than traditional braces such as clear aligners. At AJS Dental, we provide many orthodontic options in Oceanside, NY, to our patients, and help them choose the best option that meets their needs. Our team provides the benefits and details combined with a detailed exam to help patients make the best choice.

How Do Clear Aligners Work?

Clear Aligners are a great alternative to braces, and this system uses clear aligners. These aligners are worn for a specific period of time in a series to straighten crooked or uneven teeth. This is a discrete treatment making it a great choice for both adults and teens.

The clear aligners are worn for anywhere between 20-22 hours a day and can be conveniently removed for eating and drinking. Depending on the level of correction required, clear aligner treatment can take between 6-18 months. Many wonder if clear aligners can correct teeth faster compared to braces. In most cases the average time clear aligner trays are worn is right in line with traditional braces.

Benefits of Clear Aligners Compared to Braces

If you suffer from bad tooth alignment or rotated teeth clear aligners may not be the right choice. Traditional braces have the ability to correct severe cases because they are securely affixed to the tooth and do not slip. Clear aligner trays have a hard time gripping teeth needing a severe correction.

On the other hand if your teeth do not require much correction, clear aligners may be a great option. The clear aligner trays blend in with your natural teeth. They are also easily removed for eating and cleaning. The aligner trays include a blue indicator to help patients know if they have worn the trays for the required time each day. The clear trays are also comfortable when worn in the mouth, and do not rub or irritate the gums like with traditional braces.

Clear Aligners gives patients the benefit of being able to eat all of their favorite foods because the trays can be removed, compared to traditional braces. Patients that do not want to deal with restrictions, and want the freedom to take the trays out when needed may find that clear aligners are a better fit.

What Choice is Best for Me?

Whether you choose traditional braces or clear aligners, our team at AJS Dental, will ensure your choice will provide you with that perfect straight smile. Our patients are our priority, and we will do whatever is needed to ensure our patients are happy with their smile. Having straight teeth is important, and we want our patients to be proud of their beautiful teeth after orthodontic treatment.

Looking for Clear Aligners Near You?

If you are looking for orthodontic treatment let AJS Dental give you the smile you have always wanted. Dr. Alan Schwartz and our skilled staff work with each patient to develop a customized orthodontic treatment plan giving patients many choices. We put our patients first, and go above and beyond to give our patients exceptional care.

To find out more about clear aligners, as well as what other orthodontic treatment options are available, contact AJS Dental in Oceanside, NY, and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.